Social Media Risk Mitigation? Just Do It!

These days the number one risk associated with social media for business is doing nothing at all. The old excuses of not enough people use it for business, and all I ever see on social is pictures of kittens are over. In fact, today 7 out of 10 Financial Advisors using social networks for business; LinkedIn gives us the opportunity to form or join groups of like-minded customers and colleagues for discussions pertinent to our business, Facebook allows us to connect with colleagues on a personal and business level, and Twitter keeps us all connected and informed in real time. Social is here to stay. Recently Actiance Social Media Expert, Victor Gaxiola, stopped by the BrightTALK studios and filmed his thoughts on why you need to embrace social for a competitive edge.

Watch Victor Discuss Social Media Risk

We’d love to hear your thoughts on how social has given you a competitive edge, please leave a comment below.

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  1. #1 by cathycsmith on April 11, 2013 - 8:19 am

    Reblogged this on CathyCSmith's Blog and commented:
    I agree, social media is here to stay!

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